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Scorpio Full Moon 5.14.2014 May 2, 2014

Posted by cosmicsense in astrology, Full Moons, Scorpio.

~As Above So Below~

60 Degrees

60 Degrees

The polarity of the Full Moon occurs Wednesday, May 14th, 2014, 2:16 pm, CDT; our resourceful, productive, grounded Taurus Sun at 23*55 is exactly opposite Moon at 23*55 magnetic, powerful, intense Scorpio.

The illuminating Full Moon phase, when Sun & Moon appear to be of equal size, symbolizes the alchemical image of the sacred marriage of Sol & Luna...primetime to integrate the opposition of masculine/feminine archetypes within…balancing these contradictions of the self is our Full Moon challenge & opportunity. The collective world will respond as well.

Sensual Taurus energy is usually calm, loyal, stable, trustworthy, consistent & dependable unless pushed too far. The emotional, feeling, reactive Moon in complex, transforming Scorpio has the potential to become very extreme, obsessive, controlling & destructive or will express in deep transformation, regeneration & cathartic healing.



Refined, attracting Venus, now at 13* impulsive Aries, is naturally associated with reliable Taurus. The natural ruler of Scorpio, extra-sensory perceptive, revitalizing, core power planet Pluto, is currently at 13* Capricorn. (Mars was considered the 1st ruler of Scorpio until Pluto was discovered in 1930.)•(Pluto is still considered a planet in the astrological world!!)  Our personal & collective values, our capacity to create & maintain beauty/harmony, cooperation, compromise & to form loving relationships is experiencing tremendous change.

So have things eased up in our cosmic neighborhood?! Well, even though assertive, courageous, active Mars, now at 9* social Libra, has moved out of the Grand Cross exact alignment of April, relieving some of the stress… this Warrior planet is still treading on the toes of many of his fellow transmitters during the Scorpio Full Moon on Wednesday afternoon.

The Beauty of Nature

The Beauty of Nature

Mars turns Direct at 9* Libra on May 19th, 2014, after an extra long retrograde (backward) trip through cooperative, mediating Libra…giving us more opportunity to address relationship issues, reflect upon our value system & focus on our balancing act as we let go of old, outdated energies & remain open to receive the new frequencies.

I’m trying to keep these Moon entries short & to the point, especially after last month. I love sharing the information but I need boundaries in my enthusiasm..the Sag in me! Thank you for reading this and thanks for comments.

Open Waters

Open Waters

Be astrologically informed…check out this blog site twice monthly for every New Moon & every Full Moon…better yet, subscribe for free on top. Think about a chart update. (If you click ON the photos they will enlarge)




1. lightworker22 - May 13, 2014

Just when I think I can’t stand one more left field out of no where surprise, your messages come to calm and align me to balance through the chaos. Its all good, if you trust the process, right?
Thanks for giving perspective and a light touch to what could be almost grim. Did I mention that we came home tonight to a flooded driveway and a broken sump pump ..and that everything smells like sewer? See what I mean about surprises? This, too, shall pass.
Keep laughing!

cosmicsense - May 14, 2014

I just HAD to reply to your message!
First of all, thank you for the wonderful, supportive comments. Perfect timing for me to hear.
As I read your words, I was looking over at the chimney wall in my 2nd story home office… at rivlets of water running down the wall during a strong rainstorm. HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!
Good luck with your situation…I strangely remained calm during mine & felt gratitude for having a home.

Blessings, Leta Waterfall

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